[T]he bottom line of the health insurance/health care market is that it was too expensive for consumers and employers before the ACA; the ACA did not do anywhere near enough to reduce the costs, or even to slow the increase in costs; and this decision does nothing to control costs, and may contribute to increasing them.
Continue Reading Supreme Court Upholds Affordable Care Act’s Individual Mandate as a Tax, Invalidates Penalty of Loss of Medicaid Funds to States That Opt out of Expansion

If employers (especially small employers not subject to employer penalties) simply get out of the health care business without increasing their pay rates the anticipated offsets for higher income and payroll taxes simply will not occur and the deficit will increase.
Continue Reading New CBO JCT Analysis of Affordable Care Act’s Impact on Employer Provided Health Insurance

Shortly, CBO will release an extensive analysis conducted with JCT of the incentives for firms to offer or not offer health insurance under the ACA, as well as a range of estimates of sources of coverage and federal budgetary outcomes that would result from the ACA under alternative assumptions about employers’ behavior.
Continue Reading CBO Issues New Cost Estimate for ObamaCare–$1.762 Trillion over 10 years