Under new federal regulations effective September 21, 2018, employers must now issue updated “Summary of Your Rights” forms mandated by the Fair Credit Reporting Act. In May 2018, Congress responded to several, high-profile data breaches by passing the Economic Growth, Regulatory Relief and Consumer Protection Act (“Act”). The Act adds new language to the Summary

On Wednesday, the Senate confirmed Trump’s nominee, David Zatezalo, for a key employment-related position: Assistant Secretary of Labor for Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA). Mr. Zatezalo is the former Chief Executive Officer of the coal mining company, Rhino Resources.

Democratic Senators, including Joe Manchin from mining-heavy West Virginia, have publicly opposed Mr. Zatezalo’s confirmation,

Ten months after his election, President Trump has sent nominations to the Senate for a number of key positions, including four with significant importance in the employment area. David Zatezalo, the former Chief Executive Officer of coal mining company, Rhino Resources, is the nominee for the position of Assistant Secretary of Labor for Mine Safety

While not in the employment field, the latest attack on arbitration as a sensible, fair and comparatively inexpensive and fast dispute resolution mechanism comes from the federal government. Until now, the federal level has been a primary supporter of arbitration, through the Federal Arbitration Act, which protects arbitration clauses in contracts affecting commerce from interference

After revisions in format and technology, we are proud to announce that the Labor & Employment Law Navigator Blog is back. The Navigator, written by experienced attorneys at Frantz Ward LLP, provides succinct information on new developments in the L&E space, cautionary tales for HR professionals, and helpful hints for navigating the increasingly hazardous shoals

wellness-crop-600x338On May 16, 2016, the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (“EEOC”) issued final regulations regarding employers’ use of wellness programs. Such programs seek to promote healthy behavior by employees, often through financial incentives such as reduced healthcare benefits premiums or reduced gym membership costs. The EEOC rules amend existing regulations under the Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act

Based upon information received from a number of sources, it now appears that the Department of Labor’s controversial changes to the rules governing the white collar exemptions under the Fair Labor Standards Act will be finalized and published in the coming weeks – potentially as early as next week. Once published, it is expected that

According to this article from Politico, the cost of operating the health insurance exchanges, including the costs of providing subsidies to lower-income purchasers of coverage, will increase dramatically over prior estimates.  In part, this is because of the failure of some states to embrace the expansion of Medicaid.  The cost of Medicaid coverage is $3000